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  • Tatiana K.

Best workout routine/exercises during your weight gain journey: At-home edition and Gym edition

x-tinymce/html Best workout routine/exercises during your journey// AT HOME EDITION: The benefits of this workout routine is that you can do it at home! If you are a beginner and aren't really physically active then this will definitely have you looking snatched. But after a while your body will get used to this routine and you'll have to switch it up if you wanna keep seeing results. The only thing I don't like about the at-home routine is that even though you see progress, you don't see as much as you would using weights at the gym. When I switched over from working out at home to the gym, I saw 3x as much booty/thigh gains. Of course some people may not be able to go to the gym for various reasons and that's okay! The at-home version works just fine as well. Plus you can always buy ankle weights from your local Wal-Mart for more progress. During that one month that I gained 25 lbs, the routine below is what I followed. I did this routine every other day (4x a week). Never do it back to back (on consecutive days /Ex: Monday and Tuesday), because your body needs a day to rest afterwards. Another VERY important tip: Eat a meal high in protein and calories NO LATER THEN an hour after you workout. Why? because those 60 mins after your workout are the most crucial. Your body absorbs protein and calories way more , thus resulting in the muscle-building process being faster.

Every other day I did this routine: • Standing hip abductions (targets hips/booty) 4 sets of 15 (15 reps on both legs count as one set)

• Laying side leg hip abductions (targets hips/booty) 4 sets of 15 (15 reps on both legs count as one set)

• Bed/chair lunges (targets legs/booty) 4 sets of 10-12 (10-12 reps on both legs count as one set)

• donkey kicks (targets booty) 4 sets of 20-25 (20-25 reps on both legs count as one set)

• Straight leg donkey kicks (targets booty/legs) 4 sets of 20-25 (20-25 reps on both legs count as one set)

• Hip raises (targets booty) 3 sets of 25

• Squat pulses (legs and booty)(squat and then bounce on it 15 times) 3 sets of 15 pulses

Three days of the week I would do the 20 minute HIIT cardio workout below (to prevent my stomach from getting too big)(drink 6 glasses of water a day to keep stomach flat and small) Link:

OR I would do 2 rounds of this ab routine (checkout the link next to each excercise if you dont know how to do it):

• 40-60 second plank • 35 second side plank on one side/35 second side plank on the other side • plank with hip twist for 40 seconds • 3 sets of Russian twists for 1 minute • 3 sets of flutter kicks for 30-40 seconds • 3 sets of bicycle crunches for 1 minute • plank with hip twist for 40 seconds

Best workout routine/exercises during your journey// GYM EDITION: The gym edition consists of doing basic compound exercises with weights and using machines. Here was my basic gym routine (make sure the amount of weight you use on the machines isn't too easy. if you aren't struggling on your last three or two reps then it isn't high enough)

• Warm up: 10 mins on the stairmaster OR inclined treadmill

• Hip abductor machine: 4 sets of 12-15 reps

• Squats/Sumo squats (on the smith machine//MAKE SURE your form is correct when doing squats. you should feel all your bodyweight on your heels and it should look like you're sitting on a chair. squat as low as you can and make sure to have a wide stance to target those glutes!//for beginners: I advise starting off with 25lb weights on each side//FYI a smith machine is basically like a squat rack, except it holds the bar for you, meaning you don't have to balance it. ) 4 sets of 12 reps

• Lunges (on the smith machine// for beginners: I advise starting off with 10 lb or 25lb weights on each side) 4 sets of 12 reps

• Leg press machine: 4 sets of 12

(you can always do both at-home and at the gym routines, for example, you go to the gym on Monday, workout from home on Wednesday, go to the gym on Friday, workout from home on sunday..something like that. but if you can't go to the gym, the at-home workout works just as fine for beginners!)


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A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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